xForm Hiring

If you are someone who has had a successful career in any technology domain and have recently taken a break for personal reasons, xForm would like to talk to you about new career opportunities with our partners. 

xForm is happy to offer diversity positions and invites your applications to begin your career journey fresh. All you need to do is fill up the form below and submit your resume. 

Key Highlights

  • We are specifically inviting applications from candidates with recent active career break

  • You will have expertise and experience in software development, cloud computing, data and analytics etc

  • We have diverse positions across multiple technology domains as above and you will be selected to a suitable role with our partners matching your expertise and experience


First Name*
Last Name*
Primary Skills*
Secondary Skills*
Last Employer*
Last Day Of Employment*
Total Years Of Experience*
Preferred Location*
How soon you join us(days)*
Upload your profile(pdf/doc)*